Vegetable Seeds
With 35 varieties of vegetable seeds, you will have a wide variety of plants in your home garden. Plus, we added a few herbs and fruit seed varieties too! So, whether you have a homestead or indoor garden, you will find the veggies you love in our survival seed vault kit!

Prepping Supplies
Our heirloom seed packets come in a waterproof mylar bag for long-term storage. This makes an excellent gift for the man or prepper in your life. So prepare for the end of the world, or pick up some tremendous urban prepare supplies.
All garden seeds come in individual paper seed envelopes. Complete with instructions and growing guides for each plant. Paper seed packets are essential. Seeds stored in plastic baggies can let moisture in, causing mold and bacteria, thus rendering your seeds useless. Our seeds are proudly sourced and packaged in the USA. All seeds are heirloom, non-GMO, nonhybrid, and open-pollinated. You can save seeds for future harvest. We’ve included a large variety of veg seeds! You can have a complete garden or feel safe in your bugout bag survival kit, knowing you have all you need to grow a huge garden to feed yourself, your family, neighbors, and more. Heirloom seeds make great gifts for that hard-to-buy person, garden enthusiast, retiree, survivalist, and more! 25-Year Shelf Life – Store seeds in a cool, dark place. Seeds are great for growing in containers, aquaponics, hydroponics, and vertical gardening.
The seed list includes: 3200 seeds of Celery UT 52-70 (Apium graveolens), 225 of Parsnip Harris Model (Pastinaca sativa), 400 of Broccoli Waltham 29 x 1 (Brassica oleracea var. italica), and 300 of Cauliflower Snowball Y Improved (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis). There are 400 seeds of Turnip Purple Top White Globe (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa), 250 of Kale Vates Blue Scotch Curled (Brassica oleracea var. acephala), and 40 of Cantaloupe Hales Best Jumbo (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis). Cabbage golden acre (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) has 200 seeds, Cucumber Marketmore 76 (Cucumis sativus) has 40, and Spinach Bloomsdale (Spinacia oleracea) has 200. Carrot Scarlet Nantes (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) comes with 1600 seeds, Watermelon Sugar Baby (Citrullus lanatus) with 50, and Beet Detroit Dark Red (Beta vulgaris) with 150. There are 2000 seeds each of Lettuce Buttercrunch, Romaine Parris Island, and Black Seeded Simpson (all Lactuca sativa), and 225 of Radish Cherry Belle and 350 of French Breakfast (both Raphanus sativus). Winter Squash Waltham Butternut (Cucurbita moschata) has 35 seeds, Zucchini Black Beauty (Cucurbita pepo) has 25, and Okra Clemson Spineless (Abelmoschus esculentus) has 50. There are 25 seeds of Pea Sugar Snap (Pisum sativum), 300 of Swiss Chard Fordhook Giant (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla), and 50 of Pumpkin Sugar Pie (Cucurbita pepo). Bean Bush Tendergreen (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Lima Henderson (Phaseolus lunatus) have 20 and 25 seeds respectively, while Corn Early Bantam (Zea mays) has 40. Tomato Large Cherry and Roma VF (both Solanum lycopersicum) have 100 and 135 seeds respectively. There are 115 seeds of Kohlrabi Purple Vienna (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes), 110 of Bell Pepper Sweet California Wonder (Capsicum annuum), and 300 of Onion Bunching Tokyo Long White (Allium fistulosum). Eggplant Black Beauty (Solanum melongena) has 130 seeds, Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) has 320, and Basil Genovese (Ocimum basilicum) has 200.
Substitutions may occur due to seed shortages.